DMT Petrologic GmbH & Co. KG
Karl-Wiechert-Allee 76
30625 Hannover, Germany
Phone: +49 511 5413917
Pre-Stack Inversion
Pre-stack inversion transforms seismic angle or offset data into P-impedance, S-impedance and density volumes through integration of the seismic angle/offset gathers, well data and a basic stratigraphic interpretation. Other combinations of elastic parameters such as P-impedance, Vp/Vs ratio and density are equally possible. Typically two components (e.g. P-impedance and Vp/Vs ratio) are reliable, depending on target and acquisition, and can be used to predict reservoir properties away from well control.
Simultaneous seismic inversion offers several benefits :
- The output components are layer properties, whereas seismic data is an interface property.
- Reduction of wavelet effects, tuning and side lobes. Hence enhanced resolution of the sub-surface layers.
- The output components are physical rock properties. They can be directly compared to well log measurements and allow a physically motivated link to reservoir properties.
- Compared with post-stack inversion an additional dimension is available for lithology and fluid fill discrimination.
- As amplitude variations for different angles/offsets are modeled during the inversion and not averaged in the stacking process, usually the P-impedance inversion is improved.
The data input to a pre-stack inversion project typically consists of a set of wells, containing sonic, shear and density logs, optional check shots, formation markers and deviation surveys, a series of interpreted horizons and seismic offset or angle gathers.